Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Times Article Response

Megan Lee
Times Article Response
9:00 Class

To answer the article’s question, people in their twenties are taking so long to grow up because of many factors like the economy, their financial situation, family, and their own personal beliefs. The traditional definition of reaching adulthood of completing school, leaving home, becoming financially independent, marrying and having children is not right. They can’t define what adulthood is by stating specific milestones. Everybody has their own idea on what adulthood means. Some people reach it faster than others, but people try to learn and grow.

Parents want their children to succeed and because of that, they help them in any way possible. Kids moving in after college is one of those ways. It’s not wrong to live with parents. In order to start a family, people usually want to be financially stable. It has become hard to be stable with the increase of mortgages, expensive college debt, the increase in unemployment, and the high cost of life in general. People are trying to become independent and survive. No one wants to depend on their parents financially or live with them throughout their twenties. It is embarrassing and is a blow to their self esteem. Some people live at home to save money on food, laundry, and rent. It is kind of smart financially speaking.

Everyone who is not married, has no children, is unemployed, and is in debt doesn’t make them less of an adult. People struggle throughout their lives. The article criticizes and generalizes the generation of twenty year olds as being lazy and being unsuccessful because they have not exactly become the definition of an adult. Becoming an adult is a gradual process. Different experiences and events contribute to the transition of becoming an adult. To be a true adult is to be responsible, sensible, emotionally mature, and have self determination. People don’t need milestones to define them as adults.

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