Thursday, September 16, 2010

Frida Kahlo "Roots"

Frida Kahlo is illustrated as being part of a root like a vegetable or some kind of plant. She is orange like a carrot. Her face and arms are a lighter shade of orange than the rest of the body. She is lying down implying that she is in a relaxed position. The stomach area looks see through, where you can see the background. There is a white frilly hem surrounding her feet area. She is lying next to bunch of rocks. She is positioned in the middle of what looks like a desert. There are dark cracks on the ground she is on.
Because of her posture and position, she looks troubled and pained. She is in a painful, awkward, and uncomfortable position lying on one arm. Her facial expression is blank though. She hides her feelings inside. She had a hard past. There was problems and dissension in her family. Her grandpa is rich and her relatives were fighting over his money. They fought and argued so much that cracks grew between them. The family eventually split. There are green leaves and roots protruding out of her stomach and chest area. Her roots have caused her pain in which she can not forget. She believes in her roots deeply though and cares for her family.

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