Monday, October 18, 2010

Spoof Ads


The advertisement is promoting that McDonalds will cause people to be unhealthy and on the chubby side. The baby is wearing a McDonalds bib and a French fry hat. Eating McDonalds starts as young as a baby, which also means that unhealthy habits could also start at an early age. Today in society, people are becoming too lazy to cook meals for their babies and instead eat at fast food restaurants. It is playing towards the laziness in society.

Absolute End

This advertisement shows how alcohol can lead to bad decisions. The advertisement shows a case in which alcohol ended with death. There is an alcohol outline with investigators surrounding it. In tiny print, it says, “Nearly 60% of automobile fatalities are linked to alcohol. 17% of North Americans are alcoholics.” The overall impression is that alcohol is bad.

Joe Chemo Bed

This ad explains how smoking is a bad thing. It can lead to things like Joe Chemo and how he gets cancer. He use to think he was cool because he smoked, but now he is stuck in a bed from cancer probably caused by smoking. He did not age well because the smoking caught up to him and now he looks like an old fart, and he is bald and wrinkly with an IV in his arm.


This ad explains a lot. Really. It is an ad against Nike because it wants to make us think how sneakers are really made, as in they are made in a sweatshop, in a poor country. Nike takes advantage of the people working in the sweatshops. People work hard to get the shoes while people who make the shoes work even harder while trying to stay alive. They want us to think about all of this globally and how Nike is bad.

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